Vendor Management

Vendor management is a necessity in business today.

It is more common than not for vendors to be responsible for deliverables within a project. Whether you are implementing a new COTS application or outsourcing a piece of your business, vendor management is a necessity in business today. Wolfsbane Project Management L.L.C. has the experience to manage and work on your behalf with vendors to ensure terms and conditions are met. If you already have a PMO in place, we can help you add the proper governance necessary to manage your vendors effectively.

Your vendors have an agreement with you; not with other suppliers. During the planning process, you may discover vendor deliverables have dependencies on each other. We can help you identify those integration points and manage the handoffs between multiple parties.

As the experts, we know the pitfalls and act on your behalf as ‘the owner’s rep” to ensure all parties associated with projects meet their commitments. Managing scope and the contract while applying change management to the process provides the transparency required to achieve success.